Styling & Shopping Spree
with Ale B.

Activate the Essence of you with A STYLING SPREE WITH ALE B!
Whether you need to update your style, refresh your wardrobe, learn how to put things together FOR YOU or find yourself back, a shopping spree with Ale B will show you the next level of you!
Yes, in this experience you will buy great “things”, but it is not about just buying just for the act of buying, it is more about YOU seeing that next version of yourself, taking who you are to another level, re-framing who you in accordance to your evolution. Get your confidence back and love who you see in the mirror!
It is about jumpstarting the Essence of YOU and learn how to simply make it work for you!
Look at your wardrobe as a tool of power for yourself and your business!.
Enhance, embellish and celebrate the best of you, inside-out!
DO YOU in every direction!